Activities Gallery
5th October, 2021 Tuesday marked a vibrant Celebration of Jazbaa 2021 with FLashmob conducted by Funderstanding Eduteria. The campus was adorned by the participants at the central lawn and crowd all around not only enjoying the performance but a consent to join hands for betterment of the society. In synchronization with the club motive, fun with understanding we organized the activity “FLASH MOB” with various themes Participants enthusiastically presented various themes which really proved to be an eye opener to the audience. They attracted the audience with a synchrony of songs and dance and having attracted nicely conveyed the message. The groups were judged on the basis of entry-exit, theme, song selection and overall performance. This competition was held among 3 groups with an overwhelming participation of 70 enthusiastic students. The event was witnessed by our Principal Mrs. Snehal Kotak Palan, Vice Principal Mrs. Sandra Moss and other staff members. The event was judged by the vivacious performers and ex students of the institution Mr. Mohit Vakani and Ms. Chandani Ghadia.
Flash Mob Funderstanding Eduteria