Activities Gallery
Continuous up gradation is the success mantra of today's education system. Focusing on this fundamental concept the OET managed Shri GHG-DDN college had organized a Faculty Development Programme for the most trending subject of research from 3rd June 2019 to 8th June 2019. The curriculum of the FDP was so designed that those who were new to this subject could achieve maximum acceleration in the field of research and SPSS software which is at most necessity for the research. Dr. Gaurang Rami and Dr. Manish Rawal had taken 24 different theoretical and practical sessions of research methodology and data analysis aspects. 34 scholars were beneficiary of this development programme. For the success of this mega knowledge fest principal Mrs. Snehal Kotak Palan and her co-orientating team had taken great efforts. At the end of this programme, the participants gave the feedback about their experience and knowledge enhancement on attending all the sessions of FDP. On Concluding day, Participation certificate were distributed by The Principal and College Trustees to 34 Scholars who took the benefit of this FDP.
Collage of FDP
The Collage of 34 Participants of Faculty Development Programme
Online session of FDP
The Faculty Development Programme Computer sessions in Computer Lab
Certificate Distribution of FDP
FDP Participation Certificate distributed by Mr. Bhartesh Shah, College Trustee.