Activities Gallery
ECGC organized a “founder series” and conducted first seminar on 18th JULY 2022 (MONDAY). The key note speaker was Alumni of CZMG college MR Harshit sanghani who is currently founder of BK softech. His main business is to develop software business. The entire session was planned and initiated by Third year BBA students under guidance of principal incharge of GHG- DDN Doctor snehal Kotak palan mam and president of ECGC club Doctor Gaurav Mehta sir. The duration of seminar was of 70 minutes where there was open talk cum discussion of Harshit sir with students of BBA stream. The basic objective of founder series is to enable BBA stream students by providing them business exposure and its relevant practicalities with context to high dynamic environment with context to challenges for a new start – ups or ventures by suggesting viable solutions and actions. #ghgddn #ghgddnrocks #wetheteam
ECGC Founder Series
ECGC organized a “founder series” and conducted first seminar on 18th JULY 2022 (MONDAY).