Activities Gallery
“If you can speak, you can influence, if you can influence, you can change lives”. Funderstanding Eduteria aimed at developing public speaking and influential skills by conducting ‘Bol Bachchan’ an elocution competition on 1st October, 202. 16 participants enthusiastically expressed their views on a varied range of topics such as: • Are we so happy living in the imaginary world of technology? • Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy • Digital India – Pros and Cons • Future of Electric Vehicles in India • Is spirituality endangering amongst students? We were glad to have amidst us Mrs. Sandra Moss and Ms. Shilpa Bhatt to evaluate the performance of the speakers. The participants were fortunate enough to be the beneficiaries of the suggestions and feedback shared by the judge.
Bol Bachchan Funderstanding Eduteria