Achievements Gallery
A total of 6900 institutions had applied and only a 136 institutions were shortlisted and evaluated on the basis of different parameters, of which 52were awarded. The award ceremony was organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India at AICTE auditorium, New Delhi, on 3rd Dec 2019. Hon’ble Minister of Human Resource and Development, Shri. Ramesh Prokhriyal “Nishank”, addressed the gathering via video call. Our College won the 4th position in the category of residential colleges under UGC. The awards had a novel twist as each of the 52 awardees were given a green certificate with a QR code, which, when scanned displayed the sapling planted in honour of the college winning the swachhata Ranking 2019.A team of three experts had visited the campus on 3rd September 2019, to physically inspect the campus. The expert committee constituted of Prof. Hitesh Raviya, Department of English, M S University Baroda, who was the chairman cum Coordinator, Prof H B Patel, Central University Gujarat, and Dr. Dushyant Nimavat, Associate Professor, Department of English, Gujarat University.
Swachta Award handed over to the heads of the college
We are proud to announce that from Gujarat only two institutions were awarded the swachhta Ranking 2019
A prestigious moment for Oshwal Education Trust managed colleges
The College is a heaven with its large spaces and ample green cover and a perfect place for the all-round development of the students
Swachta Award celebration moment
Our College won the 4th position in the category of residential colleges under UGC.